Avenue de la mairie 58490 Saint-Parize-le-Châtel 03 86 21 08 44

Le centre bourg

avec son marché du samedi matin

La campagne
à deux pas de la ville...

Un village festif

avec ses fêtes et commémorations...

A proximité du 
circuit de Magny-Cours

14 - Les fonts bouillants


Few persons know that Saint- Parize- Le- Châtel was once famous for its mineral water. Renowned since the ancient times, the Romans established buildings there and remnants are still discovered. In the last century the FONTS BOUILLANTS spring water was well known in the area only and its fame spread around in 1894. The expeditions started from the Mars- Sur- Allier station and the Uxeloup port on the canal lateral to the Loire. The Saint-Parize waters were gradually dispatched all over the country as well as in the colonies of the time (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Tonkin, Cochin China) and in Belgium. The quick and huge success of its mineral waters was due to their therapeutic and soothing qualities. The curative, hygienic and pleasant waters kept in elegant bottles were appreciated by the most delicate consumers. In 1976 the company definitely closed.