Avenue de la mairie 58490 Saint-Parize-le-Châtel 03 86 21 08 44

Le centre bourg

avec son marché du samedi matin

La campagne
à deux pas de la ville...

Un village festif

avec ses fêtes et commémorations...

A proximité du 
circuit de Magny-Cours

11 - Le lavoir

    11. The wash- house

When he was the mayor, René Robert inaugurated the restoration of the wash- house in 1890. Paved with Moiry stones (careers 3 km farther), the wash- house is a horse-shoe shaped atrium with 4 wooden pillars. The basin is right in the middle and f illed by a spring and the rainwater. On the street side, you can admire the wrought iron gate made by a local craftsman. No more washerwomen, loaded wheelbarrows, boxes called « CABASSON » , no more meeting point of backbitings and gossips.